
Shareholder meeting

Since it went public in 2010, Edenred has maintained a close relationship with its shareholders, as Adeline, one of its long-standing shareholders and a member of the shareholders’ E-club, can attest.

“I've been an Edenred shareholder since 2010. Since then, almost 15 years on, the company has really changed dimension! The share price and dividend have risen, and Edenred was recently included in the CAC 40.

I've been lucky enough to be at the forefront of this transformation, thanks to the special relationship Edenred has built up with its shareholders.

As a member of the Shareholders' E-club, I am regularly informed by e-mail of company news via press releases, announcements of financial results or preparatory documents for the General Meeting. What's more, twice a year – in October and April – I receive the Shareholders’ Newsletter, which dives into an important topic in its Feature section.

In November 2023, I took part in an Edenred shareholder meeting in Annecy. These valuable discussions give us a clear view of the company's strategy, as well as its financial and non-financial performance. I was able to talk to the Financial Communication Director and his teams about Edenred's news and prospects, particularly in booming markets such as electric mobility and digital payments.

Being an Edenred shareholder gives you an insight into a dynamic group, and the opportunity to not only benefit from its performance, but also to contribute to it!”

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