Edenred's 12,000 employees connect more than 60 million users to 2 million merchants in 45 countries. As a true global player, the Group makes Diversity a key element of its HR practices.

Diversity & inclusion
What diversity & inclusion mean for Edenred
Diversity is a part of Edenred’s identity: each employee is unique, and their insights are strongly valued. Their different backgrounds make us fast-paced and highly imaginative. Their personal histories drive us to question everything, find innovative solutions, win and grow. By enriching our connections with our customers, diversity makes us an ideal everyday partner.
Inclusion is the way to ensure that all Edenred employees thrive at work and feel fulfilled in their professional life. From Chile to Japan, we want each of them to embrace global team spirit and experience a strong sense of belonging. As everyone can contribute in their own way, all Edenreders are strongly encouraged to be themselves.
Edenred’s 12,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day. Present in 45 countries, with nearly 90 nationalities represented, Edenred is multicultural and diverse by nature. Edenred guarantees a safe, fair and open working environment where our talents flourish, working creatively and with confidence.

Edenred is committed to diversity and inclusion.
Edenred’s commitment to diversity
No matter their gender, sexual orientation, age, differing abilities, ethnicity or background, all Edenreders have the same opportunity for growth and development.

Of course, for Edenred, the International Women’s Day is just like any other day – a time for promoting greater diversity and inclusion. Nonetheless, it’s also the perfect time to reflect on one of our main Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, and reassert it strongly: we want 40% of executive positions occupied by women by 2030.
Since 2019, on International Women's Day, the Group has formalized its commitment to professional equality by signing the Diversity Charter.
It enables any willing company to make a commitment that goes beyond regulations. The Diversity Charter was initiated in 2004 by a network of companies committed to diversity.Today, it unites more than 4,000 companies around six commitments to be applied and respected within their organizations.
By 2021, all Edenred subsidiaries had signed the Diversity Charter where it exists in their country, or an equivalent. This is part of an effort to reaffirm Edenred's commitment to fighting all forms of discrimination in the workplace.
This is why we have launched ambitious and clearly defined initiatives in the field of gender diversity, to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, and to ensure that LGBT+ communities can be themselves at work worldwide.
The full range of actions can be found in our Universal Registration Document. Here are just a few of them:
- Establishment of dedicated governance within the Compensation, Appointments and CSR Committee around Diversity topics, with a minimum of two meetings a year to discuss the action plan and progress made on diversity.Deployment is ensured by the HR network, supplemented by an “Eden” Diversity network of nearly 60 correspondents around the world.
- Adaptation of HR processes, in particular for recruitment and promotion to managerial positions, with recruitment agencies being made more aware of Edenred's commitment to diversity in all countries, where by the end of 2022 they will all be required to sign a Diversity Charter prior to any recruitment.
- Internal indicators to support the deployment of these commitments. The representation of women in Human Resources development programs and in top management is monitored by business line and function, with specific indicators and monthly reviews of the percentage of women in executive positions.
- Since 2023, all recruitment firms working with Edenred have been required to sign a commitment to gender diversity, in addition to signing the Diversity Charter by Edenred entities and including a reference to Edenred's commitment on job offers:

Meritocracy is part of our DNA. Edenred recognizes, recruits and develops all talents. Come as you are, with respect for your uniqueness, and contribute to the Edenred adventure with us. Edenred is committed to preventing all forms of discrimination and to offering equal opportunities to all its candidates, regardless of their gender and gender expression, disability, origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or any other criterion.
- In terms of gender diversity, an internal mentoring network has been launched to accelerate the development of employees. Aimed primarily at women, it aims to develop the internal talent network and offer them the advice of mentors, all drawn from Edenred's executive population. This support is provided by an external consultancy which runs conferences and workshops on specific themes. In 2024, the program has more than 100 duos.
International Women's Day, celebrated every year on March 8, enables us to highlight all the actions implemented worldwide in favor of gender parity. - By celebrating Pride Month, the Edenred group is committed to promoting awareness among its employees of the inclusion of this community. An organization in which the visibility and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people grows is a better organization for all, and thus actively committed to promoting the professional fulfillment of everyone. For the first time, Edenred organized a global awareness campaign in June 2024. An internal communications campaign was conducted and at many sites conferences were organized to raise awareness of the challenges of building an inclusive workplace for LGBT+ people.
- The commitment of Group subsidiaries to integrating and retaining people with disabilities in the workplace takes different forms, adapted to the context of each country. In 2024, for the second year running, Edenred organized an Inclusion Week dedicated to the subject of disability. Around ten entities carried out actions around the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3. These included internal and external communications, as well as external events such as e-Quarter, where Marie Patouillet, Paralympic gold medallist, top-level cyclist and general practitioner, spoke.
Other local initiatives may be organized in addition to those presented above, depending on the priorities in certain countries.

nationalities at Edenred
of women employees
of managers are women
of employees must follow a training module on diversity & inclusion
of promotions awarded to women in 2024
Local initiatives and achievements
In all our Business Units, Diversity & Inclusion are key topics for which many initiatives have been deployed to raise awareness. Here are some of the many examples:
Edenred Mexico has created its program Somos DI to promote inclusion, equality, non-discrimination principles and emphasize the importance of diversity to understand customers’ needs. Edenred Mexico has been recognized as a “Great Place to Work for LGBT and equality” twice.
Watch the "Somos DI" vido [in Spanish]

Edenred Romania was one of the first companies to commit to the principles of the Romanian Diversity Charter, and organized many initiatives during Diversity Month, such as workshops and activities.
"We are Diversity" at Edenred Romania
Edenred France has deployed round tables to talk about differing abilities and share inspiring stories. The French Business Unit has been recognized for its policy in favor of supporting peopke in long-term unemployment and continues to roll out new initiatives to promote their employment at Edenred.
Find out more on this initiative

Edenred Brazil joined Nestlé's Alliance for YOUth in 2018 to support the development of communities by helping young people and committed to the Women Empowerment Principles established by the United Nations. In addition, Ticket Log has developed an Inclusive Development Program to promote continuous development for employees with disabilities.