Key figures and indicators

Key elements to discover Edenred.

Edenred is a leading digital platform for services and payments and the everyday companion for people at work, connecting more than 60 million users and more than 2 million partner merchants in 45 countries via 1 million corporate clients.

Edenred offers specific-purpose payment solutions for food (such as meal benefits), engagement (such as gift cards and engagement platforms), mobility (such as multi-energy solutions, including EV charging, maintenance, toll and parking) and corporate payments (such as virtual cards).

True to the Group's purpose, “Enrich connections. For good.”, these solutions enhance users’ well-being and purchasing power. They improve companies’ attractiveness and efficiency, and vitalize the employment market and the local economy. They also foster access to healthier food, more environmentally friendly products and sustainable mobility.

Edenred’s 12,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day.

In 2024, thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed close to €45 billion in business volume, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards.

Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CAC 40, CAC 40 ESG, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, Euronext Tech Leaders, FTSE4Good, DJSI Europe Index, DJSI World Index, and MSCI Europe.

2022-2025, the strategic plan: Beyond

Presented at the Capital Markets Day in October 2022, the Beyond22-25 strategic plan leverages Edenred’s unparalleled platform model to achieve the Group’s vision: to be the everyday platform for people at work.


2024 results: Edenred reports another sharp increase in its key financial metrics

In € million

* Funds From Operations.

A unique business model

The Group’s financial model is set out in the diagram below:

Group business model.

Buoyant growth momentum in the two main business lines

By Business Line

  Benefits & Engagement Mobility Complementary Solutions
% of 2024
Group operating revenue
2024 like-for-like operating revenue growth vs 2023 +13.1% +11.3% +0.7%


By geographical zone

  Europe Latin
of the World
% of 2024
Group operating revenue 
+7.9% +15.4% +19.7%
Growth reported +10.3% +10.1% +22.7%


Generating sustainable and profitable growth in 2025

Confirming Beyond22-25 strategic plan targets for 2025

L/L Annual EBITDA growth at least +10%
Annual FCF/EBITDA conversion rate(1) >70%


(1) At constant regulation and methodologies